Vivek Pandey

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Simon Business School

University of Rochester

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Vivek Pandey is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Simon Business School, University of Rochester. He did his Ph.D. in Accounting from the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, graduating in 2022. 

Research Interests:  He has broad research interests in corporate reporting and disclosure, especially in their economic determinants and consequences. He has worked on topics dealing with regulators, politics, real effects, proprietary information, and supply chains. 

Working Papers:

(I do not list Revise & Resubmit status)

Partisan Regulatory Actions: Evidence from the SEC. with Xingyu Shen and Joanna Wu, Working Paper

Life (of a Bond) is Short: Managerial Learning from Bond Prices.” with Sudarshan Jayaraman and Joanna Wu, Working Paper. 

Anti-Tenure Movement, Faculty Quality, and Minority Access to Quality Education.with Xingyu Shen, Joanna Wu, and Xixi Xiao, Working Paper

Contractual Private Disclosure in Supply Chain and Managerial Learning from Stock Price.” (solo-authored), Working Paper

Published and Forthcoming Papers:

Client Concerns About Information Spillovers From Sharing Audit Partners.”  with Jungkoo Kang and Clive Lennox, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022.

Shareholder Litigation and Conservative Accounting: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws.” with Hariom Manchiraju and K.R. Subramanyam, The Accounting Review, 2021, 96 (2), 391–412.